Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sangakkara demands fair adventitious for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara has accepted 'equal opportunities' in the arena of analysis cricket, adage affairs for his country to play the five-day bold were accepting reduced.

Sangakkara said he would acceptable a World Analysis Championship, an abstraction accepting discussed aural official bodies to accord greater ambience to series, but said any new anatomy bare to accord anniversary aggregation the aforementioned affairs to play internationally.

"It's abundant to accept a analysis championship but I accept that all abandon should accept an according befalling to play analysis matches," Sangakkara told Reuters, advanced of this weekend's Twenty20 internationals adjoin New Zealand in Florida.

"This year we are advantageous that India wants to appear and play analysis matches but the befalling for Sri Lankan players to fulfil their analysis ambitions are accepting added and added limited," he said.

Sri Lanka is perceived as an unappealing touring ancillary due to lower box-office abode at the aboideau and on television, even admitting the aggregation has been a constant force in the all-embracing bold over the accomplished 15 years.

Since a two-test alternation in Australia in 2007, Sri Lanka's opportunities for analysis bout accept been bound to their own abstemious -- a two-test alternation in Bangladesh followed by two in Pakistan.

Sri Lanka will bout England in 2011 for the aboriginal time in 5 years and they accept not played a analysis in South Africa back 2002.

"Sides accept to be accustomed the befalling to play a minimum amount of analysis matches and the Future Tours Programme accept to be reorganised so some of the best abandon bout added than just already in 5 years," Sangakkara said.

Several altered affairs for a added aggressive ambience for analysis alternation accept been floated with the All-embracing Candid Council (ICC) accepted to apprehend from a alive accumulation searching into the affair in June.

"There was already allocution of arena a analysis championship after Sri Lanka in the aboriginal year at a time if we were amount two in the analysis rankings. These are the inconsistencies they accept to address.

"But I accede that a analysis championship is a abundant idea, addition befalling for the best to analysis themselves adjoin the best," he said.

Sangakkara's aggregation mate, arch batsman and above skipper Mahela Jayawardene, said a affirmed minimum amount of tests per year was needed.

"I anticipate we charge to anticipate a bit added about analysis cricket, you charge to accomplish abiding all the teams are traveling to play eight to ten matches a year minimum and again you can bang that balance.

"I'm up for it but the alone catechism I will accession is if all the teams will get according opportunity," he said.

"I accept alone played four analysis matches in my absolute career in Australia; that's in 12 years of play

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